Telecom Phone Bill Audit

Optimize Your Data Lines, Voice Lines, and Wireless Services

Choosing the Right Telecom Auditors

Telecom bills are confusing, which is why a lot of errors get missed. The telecom auditors at Phusion365 are experts at picking your bills apart, going through them line by line to help you save.

Contact Phusion365 today to get started on a comprehensive communications audit. As a leader in the telecom audit industry, we’ve helped thousands of clients with bill auditing since 2001, saving them an average of 24% on their telecom services. If you have questions about your bills, we’d be happy to make sure that your telecommunications questions are answered.

How Wireless Expense Management Can Help Your Business

As technology continues to improve, business are placing even more importance on their mobile devices. However, with increased mobile use comes greater wireless expenses. That’s why mobile expense management is an important solution for your organization.

Telecommunications companies make a fortune off of mobile bills. Wireless expense management companies like Phusion365 will help you put some of that money you spend back in your wallet. We perform an audit on your wireless telecommunications bills to search for costly errors and discover potential areas of waste.

5 Materials We Need for Your Telecom Bill Audit

  • Billing from the most recent two-month period for all services, at all locations.
    1. Local voice services
    2. Long Distance voice services
    3. Data/Internet services
    4. Wireless services
    5. * IMPORTANT: Include all pages, front and back, including all billing detail pages. Don’t forget any CDs for billing received on CD.

  • Corresponding contracts that apply to the above services.
    1. One signed Letter of Agency (LOA).
    2. What is the Letter of Agency?
  • A one-page document that allows us to get the information we need from your providers to perform the audit. You print one copy on your letterhead and sign. We will send this to you.
  • Listing of all company locations with addresses and an estimated number of employees at each location.
  • A copy of your internal phone directory, if you have one.

Don’t have all these materials yet? That’s OK, we can still get started.

Why You Should Hire Phusion365 for Mobile Expense Management

You shouldn’t feel trapped by your mobile expenses. If your bills contain preventable errors, we can find them and help you save money that can go right back into your business.

Phusion365 has become a force in the telecom audit industry, working with thousands of clients to make sure their expenses are in order. We can help your business as well. Contact us today to talk with one of our mobile expense management experts about saving you money on your wireless bill.